Kid Massive, renowned for chart-topping releases on heavyweight labels like Toolroom, Great Stuff, Viva Recordings, Freakin909, SpaceDisco, and HouseU, turns to Vivifier Records with his latest release to deliver a musical experience that’s both a nod to the past and a fresh take on the future of funky house. You can buy 'Can U Feel It' on Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/release/can-you-feel-it/4313689.
Danish electronic music producer, Kid Massive, has had an illustrious career with support from renowned DJs and festival giants. His Groove House sound has graced major dance labels like Toolroom, Great Stuff Recordings, and Ministry Of Sound, and his releases have dominated charts and radio stations globally. His debut album, "A Little Louder", hit #1 on the UK Club Chart. Kid Massive has also launched his own label, Get Down Recordings, to foster emerging talent. He continues to deliver electrifying sets in clubs and festivals worldwide and is anticipated to make significant future contributions to the music industry.
After his latest release, we caught up with the Vietnam-based DJ/Producer and label boss. Here’s how it went:
Thanks for joining us today. Where are you writing to us from, and what have you been up to over the last few weeks?
I’m currently based in Bangkok; I have been here for the last five years after leaving London for a warmer climate and a more relaxed way of life. I’ve been working on new releases for the next 12 months. My release schedule this year was pretty intense, so I’ve taken a couple of months off from writing music to recharge and get my focus back.
Tell us about your journey into music and what led you to this point.
I’ve been in the industry now for 25 years and always had a love of music. I’ve been an avid dance music fan since I was a kid (pun intended) and felt it was a natural step to get into DJing and music production, and I’ve been fortunate that I’ve been able to build, grow and sustain a career that has lasted this long.
How do you effectively promote yourself as an artist?
I’m from the old school, where social media wasn’t a thing, so we had to rely heavily on the quality of the music. To this day, I still focus on creating the best music I can, which has given me a solid fan base that supports my music over the years. So I’d say it’s a mixture of “letting the quality of music speak for itself” using the old-school method of promotion but also using the social platforms media platforms I have available.
Tell us about your latest release.
I’ve always loved the old-school house sound, and if you go back over my catalogue, you will hear a lot of these references in my previous work, and this one is no exception. As an artist, my music has to be all about the groove, and that, to me, is the essence of house music; it’s dirty and gritty but also funky and driving. That’s exactly how I like my music to be, whether it is what I produce or as a DJ in the clubs, and it is out now on U.K.-based Vivifier Records.
What has the feedback been like from your latest release?
The support has been great; plenty of A-list DJ support but also chart action on Beatport with Hype Picks and Top 15 in the Hype House charts and Spotify playlisting; it’s definitely done what I had hoped it would, so on all counts, I’m very happy with it so far.
How do you take care of your mental health?
I’ve been working for many years within the self-development arena aimed at creatives, helping them understand why they do what they do and providing tools to navigate their emotional well-being. I run a platform called MUSIC MINDSET SESSIONS, where I host podcasts and do online videos to help generate awareness and understanding. This is something I’ve been doing personally for over a decade now, studying Buddhism, Daoism and Zen (https://linktr.ee/musicmindsetsessions).
Talk us through your creative process.
I work when I feel inclined. I’m fortunate that I live in Bangkok, so I have afforded myself a very good lifestyle that isn’t wholly predicated on having to earn a large monthly salary. This gives me freedom to work as and when I feel ready for it. Each record I make is an extension of how I feel at that given moment in time, so I don’t have a process as such; it’s more of a “go with the Plow” kind of thing, which works really well for me.
What advice do you have for other artists?
Do your own thing, don’t be a carbon copy of everyone else, don’t do it for the money, Don’t have any expectations of success, Give it the time it needs, there is no need to rush things and finally, enjoy it, it’s music and should be fun!
What is your biggest goal this year, and how close are you to achieving it?
Tbh, I don’t really have goals; I work on what I love and don’t really focus on the outcome. After 25 years, I’ve found I always achieve great things by not trying to achieve them. I do it because I love the process; the outcome isn’t that important to me. I do my utmost best and give it my full focus, and more often than not, it always seems to give me great results.
Lastly, what can we expect from you in the future?
Right now, I’m busy working on music for 2024; I have my own brand of hand-stitched sneakers called REIKON KICKS (www.instagram.com/reikonkicks) that I’ll be working on expanding in the new year, and then I’ll keep focusing on self-development content, help others, I also run my own label Get Down Recordings and sample pack business Get Down Samples (https://get-down-samples.sellfy.store), so lots of things to do there on a constant basis.
Kid Massive