farfetch’d aka Jerry Sjödin and Johnny Bergström take influences from old-time childhood heroes and fuse the feelings of the past with today in their music, regardless of the genre or moment. Although still early on in their career, they’ve been making waves of their own with releases on Spinnin’, Axtone and Soave with feelings of happiness and love in all that they do.
‘I Like When You’ is the first single taken from the new EP from Swedish producers and
long-time friends, Tobtok and farfetch’d. What started out as a drum and bass record and ended up packing in disco, stutter and piano-rave house, ‘I Like When You’ is a journey of a track to say the least. Remove all preconceptions of what these artists have done prior, forget platinum records, streaming counts and radio plays, ‘I Like When You’ is refreshingly experimental and the result of simply producing for the bloody fun of it. It’s arguably their most accomplished work to date. You can buy/stream it here:
In honour of their latest release, we asked farfetch'd to join us with their very own Hot Picks selection:
Mac Gregor - Nan Ye Likan
With summer here, we wanted to start this playlist with a few farfetch’d standards. The first is the afro disco masterpiece Nan Ye Likan by Mac Gregor. Happiness and soul is the first thing that comes to mind. We’ve been playing this every summer for the last 5-6 years, and it’s the epitome of summer for us.
Blue Detiger - Cotton Candy Lemonade (Anna Lunoe Remix)
One of 2021’s sickest songs by far! I’m a bit embarrassed that we hadn’t heard Anna Lunoe’s big bass slaps before this, but this one will forever groove and shake our hips from the farfetch’d case.
LA Priest - Beginning (Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs Remix)
This super-sunny pearl of a song has claimed our hearts, and just like Anna Lunoe’s song, it will have its own place in our case. We imagine this is exactly what listening to the sunset is like, not to mention it’s flexible as hell. ‘Beginning’ is perfect for any kind of set - like ANY kind of set.
Bufi & Mordisco - Los Pilares
Bufi has been our Mexican disco god since many years back, and no matter where we go, at least one of his songs will be in our set. Los Pirales is a great experimental take on modern nu-disco, and, with its ticking energy bomb vibe, it has snuck its way into being our number one Bufi-banger for 2023. Also, I’m so glad to discover Moridsico through this song!
Bottin feat. Jupiter - Sage Comme Une Image (Spiller Remix)
There can be no summer without AT LEAST one Spiller edit; he’s a legend. This one, with its perfect sunny vibes, has been with us since our teenage French house years, and we’ve got no intention of letting that go now. You can NOT go wrong with some Italiano disco hips.
Wajatta - Marmite
This one goes out to our British friends. Marmite is the most disgusting spread ever, which leads to a beautiful irony with this song being absolutely delicious, with a sourness and edge that, if anything, reminds you of lemon curd, which is a whole lot tastier than marmite.
Todd Edwards - The Chant
Todd Edwards did a gig here in Stockholm, which was amazing. He’s rather new to me, but The Chant is a great euphoric UK house with a wonderful marimba-klink that just oozes summer - not to mention that the title is amazing.
HARD FEELINGS - Holding On Too Long
We’ve been fans of Hot Chip and Joe Goddard this year. This euphoric bomb can flip every sun terrace in the whole world. It’s not the clubbiest, but this song can make every sunset 1,001,000 (millions) times better.
Ben Rau - Calling Out Your Name (Oden & Fatzo Remix)
How do you choose one of the mega monsters from these TR909-geniuses? Oden & Fatzo have inspired us on so many levels, both music-wise but also in regards to feeling and what kind of joy music can bring.
Tobtok, farfetch’d - I Like When You
Saving the best for last! (Of course, according to us. I mean, we made this one. It’s sort of the whole reason why we’re even doing this blog thing.)
Aside from the kick-clicks in the beginning, we had absolutely no grand design making this. We just had so much fun exploring and building. Eventually, we kind of ended up in jungle/drum bass territory, which is a bit scary since it’s uncharted territory for us. But it was so much fun, and hopefully, people will have the same kind of joyful journey listening to it as we had making it.
Hope this brings anything, everything, hell, maybe even nothing to someone’s or everyone’s sets this summer, year, life, break up, bender, whatever!
‘I Like When You’ by Tobtok & farfetch’d is out now on Perfect Havoc. You can buy/stream it here: https://perfecthavoc.lnk.to/ilikewhenyou
Perfect Havoc